Hart County Solid Waste Services & Guidelines
Hart County Solid Waste appreciates all of our customers and wants to help maintain a great working relationship with the residents of Hart County. In order to keep things running smoothly as possible for everyone, Solid Waste asks that our residents read over a few guidelines that are listed in our Contracts.
Please have garbage totes at the curb or end of your driveway on the scheduled pick-up day (by 6:00 am) recommended setting the garbage tote out the night before.
All household garbage must be bagged in garbage bags to prevent loose garbage blowing in the yard & keeps garbage from sticking to the bottom of the trash tote creating unwanted pest & vermin.
We allow all residents to have a tote full with 1 extra bag and 3-4 broken down boxes each week. No grass clippings or brush should be placed.
On scheduled holidays you may have up to 4 extra bags of garbage beside trash tote.
Excluded Items: -
Wet Paint (paint can splatter when paint cans are crushed causing a huge mess in or around automobiles, driveways, and flower gardens.Helpful ways to dry out paint cans by using simple household products such as Kitty Litter.
Concrete, Block, Brick, Wood, Metal, Wire, Vehicle Batteries, Motor Oil, Hot Ashes, (Human or Animal Waste).
Medical Waste is not generally accepted (Our Drivers are more than happy to pick-up diabetic needles and syringes
that are placed in coffee cans, milk cartons or containers if arrangements are made prior to the office). -
Commercial Customers with dumpsters are reminded not to pile extra trash on the dumpster lids. These lids will and can break from overfill, therefore, causing repair charges to be billed to the customer. If you have extra garbage please call our Billing Office (270-524-3323) and request a special pick-up.
Large appliances are free throughout the year.
New Resident Info
If you know a resident who doesn’t have garbage pick-up please tell them to give us a call only takes a few moments to get that account open. There is a requirement of a $50.00 deposit on all new accounts & valid photo IDs.
Late Fees & Policy -
Any customer who is one month behind in paying the monthly pick-up fee will be charged a $1.00 late fee.
Any customer who is two months or more behind will incur a $20.00 late fee and all services suspended and trash tote picked up. All fees and bills must be paid before services are resumed. No Exceptions
Return Check & EFT Fees -
There is a $35.00 Fee on all Return Checks & Return EFT
(Electronic Funds Transfer)
Repairs -
Repairs are something our drivers do on a daily basis please feel free to call in the office and let us know if a wheel, lid or handle may need repairing.
Yearly Special -
Yearly Special is Offered the month of January pay up for the year and get
1-month of free service. Lots of Residents take advantage of this special its very
cost-effective and saves money $$.
Rate: $286.00 11 months X $26.00 Senior Rate $275.00 11 months X $25.00
Holiday Schedule
New Years Day
Martin Luther King, JR Day
Good Friday (Billing Office will be closing at 12:00 PM, Garbage routes will be running.)
Memorial Day
4th of July
Labor Day
Veterans Day
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day